There’s Always Time For Cuddles

We made it through a second week with Andrew and Audrey and all four of us lived to tell/scream about it, although the second week was not as smooth as we had hoped.

We started out the week with some visits from friends coming to meet the twins. One of these friends threw us a really fun couples’ shower in June. One of the activities at the shower was for the guests to dress up with fun props. They were given chalkboards to write their advice to us as parents and were photographed with their chalkboards. The shower host then made a really neat collage of all the pictures of our friends with their advice and put it in a frame. She brought it over to our house when they came to meet the twins. One of my favorite pieces of advice was “there is always time to cuddle.” This is great advice and something I am actually trying to take to heart, as I tend to be obsessive about getting things done instead of sitting and relaxing. Therefore, this week we instituted family cuddle time. This is where we all four spend time on the couch, watching TV or reading a book, holding babies, and just enjoying each other’s company. I love it. It is the highlight of the week.

We had the babies’ first pediatrician appointment also last week. This appointment went really well and we learned we are doing things the way we are supposed to be doing things, which is nice to hear when you are a new parent. We both really like the pediatrician we selected and are looking forward to working with her.

On Thursday of last week, Dave went back to work, and so I spent Thursday and Friday alone with the twins during the day. Both days went smoothly and I managed to keep up with the laundry, bottle washing, feeding, etc with no trouble. The activity felt good after being so physically limited towards the end of my pregnancy.

However, on Friday afternoon, after several days of feeling great and having no pain, I started to notice that I was having trouble getting up and down from the chair and was feeling some cramping. I didn’t think too much of it and just assumed that my body was still working on healing. A couple of hours later, I noticed I was fairly cold and I got under the covers in bed to try to warm up. About 2 hours of shivering later, I decided that perhaps I should take my temperature, and I discovered that it was 101F. I can’t remember the last time I had a fever, but it’s been probably 20 years or so. So, of course, this was beginning to be alarming. I called my doctor’s office. The on-call doctor returned my call right away and told me to head to the hospital where she would meet me. I proceeded to spend the next 3 nights in the hospital with an infection.

Dave deserves some kind of awesome Super Dad award, as he managed at home by himself with 10-day-old twins for 3 full nights! We have known all along that the time will come when I will go back to traveling for work and he will be home alone with the babies. We were NOT expecting it to happen 10 days in!

I am, thankfully, back home from the hospital and feeling great again. I was able to get some rest and come home to hit the ground running so that Dave can get prepared to start his school year.

Today starts week 3 with the twins and I’m very excited about it, as my mom arrives tonight. She will be meeting the twins for the first time and I can’t wait!

All in all, it’s been another great week. I’m looking forward to the next one!

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