There are two things in life for which we are never fully prepared: twins

Preparing your home for a baby, or in our case, babies, is an interesting process for a first time parent. During our preparation work, I have had flashbacks to my senior chemical engineering design project. A team of four of us spent two semesters researching and designing a chemical plant, calculating the economic feasibility of the plant we designed, and then preparing to pitch the entire thing to a room full of experts with actual industry experience. Following that, we wrote a 300 page report of our work. Throughout all of it, we had no idea what we were actually doing and whether or not it would work.  In this case, the team consists of the two of us, over 8 months, researching products and products and more products, figuring out how to afford them, designing rooms around the products, and then preparing to pitch the entire thing to two infants. The first year of their life will be the 300 page report. Let’s hope we can squeak by with a C!

I thought it would be fun to write a post about some of the products that we are most excited about using when our twins are here in a few weeks. A year from now, I may look back on this post and laugh at how silly I was for thinking those things would EVER be useful. But, here are five of our favorites so far:

Double infant car seat stroller: 

Double Infant Car Seat stroller

We found this Joovy Twin Roo double infant car seat stroller that is a new product on the market. It has a pretty neat design, in that the infants both face sideways instead of towards the front bar. It also has a low cup holder so that you don’t spill your Irish coffee all over your kiddos.

Double jogging stroller: 

Double Jogging Stroller

We won’t be able to use this BOB Stroller Strides FItness Duallie for several months, but we are both very excited about it, as it will allow us to continue our outdoorsy lifestyle with the twins and should make a pretty nice cover to hide behind when we have to whizz in the woods.



These adorable Fisher Price My Little Lamb sleepers can be easily moved throughout the house. The twins can sleep in them anywhere, and they will rock!

Twin nursing pillow:

Twin Nursing Pillow

The My Brest Friend Twins Plus pillow is designed to nurse the little suckers at the same time, which sounds like my kind of feat: challenging, somewhat unbelievable, strangely amusing, and efficient!

Cloth diapers:

Cloth Diapers

Yep, that’s what I said. We are using cloth BumGenius Elemental and BumGenius 4.0 cloth diapers, as well as some used Fuzzibunz that we got from some awesome friends of ours. We are washing the diapers ourselves because I love poop stories and wanted to ensure that we have a large arsenal of them to fling at unsuspecting childless folks (the stories I mean).  At first, we should be managing the cleaning of approximately 180 diapers/week.  Being an engineer, I’m sure that I will feel the need to calculate the exact amount of poop we process.  It might be useful information for an Amazon review of our washing machine or just a helpful nugget to drop into a casual conversation with those random strangers who like to approach me in the grocery store.

All puns intended.

4 thoughts on “There are two things in life for which we are never fully prepared: twins

  1. Re the cloth diapers–maybe one or both of these doubles will be like you were and develop that. “I’m too busy playing to be changed” attitude. You could go all day with that lump in the back of your pants that looked like you were carrying a potato back there. If that happens you could seriously reduce that 180/week number.

  2. Excited for you on this new journey. Selfishly I am excited for myself as well. I am looking forward to the stories you will be sure to share!

  3. I used and still use the my breast friend pillow…it’s awesome!! It really made tandem feeding a lot easier!! Good luck!

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