Update on Audrey

I have had several people ask me or email me for an update on Audrey, so I wanted to provide one. She had several good days of eating last week that contributed to a half-pound weight gain between Monday and Friday. I was very excited to learn that she is now 9.5 pounds. Our doctor was pleased.

However, since Friday morning, things have deteriorated yet again. She has vomited several times over the weekend and, although she appears hungry, is refusing to eat much. I believe her esophagus gets more irritated each time she vomits and eating becomes painful for her. If this pattern continues, we will likely end up back in the hospital with her.

We have been instructed to feed her every two hours. This weekend, the feedings averaged about an hour long each, with 55 minutes of screaming followed by 5 minutes of eating. This is very exhausting for all involved and leaves little time for her to sleep.

We work hard to keep her upright at all times, at least at a 30-degree angle, including diaper changes and sleeping. She has been sleeping in an inclined sleeper. This weekend Dave rigged up a mattress at exactly a 30-degree angle. She will be held in place by a swaddle sack attached to the mattress. This will hopefully allow some of the pressure on her stomach to be relieved and will provide a better sleeping position than the sleeper does.

We hope for pain relief and healing for her little body. Amazingly, she remains a smiley little girl throughout it all.

One thought on “Update on Audrey

  1. Prayers will continue for you all!! If she is anything like her mom! She is super strong and will overcome! I hope you are able to find a happy medium that allows better feeding for you all!!!

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