The Twinsies Room

To make room for the impending twinsies we had to move Mandy’s office into the space we were using for a dining room (really, a breakfast area off of the kitchen), move my desk into the living room, move our dining room into the actual dining room (that we were using for… nothing, really), and move our bookcases into the new dining room (of course).  We had the painters paint the room “Optimistic Yellow” (Aside: Paint names are crazy.  It’s amazing how many ways they can come up with to say “yellow”.) so we could have a nice, bright room.  I spent a day putting together a dresser, two cribs, and a kegerator.  Oh, uh… the kegerator is for a different room.  These pictures show our initial setup for the kids’ room.  I did put a number of things in the closet to make the room look better (my strategy for room cleaning since I was a kid).  We also have a rug ordered, and we’re trying to figure out a storage solution for diapers and accessories.  We’ll probably get some bins to go under the table, but we haven’t looked much, yet.



Curious Cat

Couch, Changing Table, and Dresser

As I was removing the old ceiling light fixture to replace it with one a bit more up-to-date I found that the old light fixture was screwed directly into the ceiling joist with one screw and no electrical box.  What was supposed to be a one-trip-to-Lowes simple project has turned into an I-don’t-feel-like-going-back-to-Lowes-right-now project.

Ceiling Light


3 thoughts on “The Twinsies Room

  1. That’s pretty much the way all the projects at my house go. We’ve found no box and nothing grounded – even though there is actually a ground wire *right there*.

    I like that you’re putting a couch in the room 🙂 I wish we’d had a recliner. I’ll be sending those all-in-one diapers any moment now, figured you probably wouldn’t need to trip over them too soon.

  2. After this, Mandy had me check the hall light right outside the room. As I was taking the globe off, the box in the ceiling disintegrated and dropped the fixture into my hands. The fun of 40 year old houses.

    We looked at some recliners, but Mandy is a bit short and we couldn’t find one where her feet would touch the ground.

    Thanks for sending those. We really appreciate it.

  3. I love it!!! This brings back memories of our “remodeling” projects through the years and turning my sewing room into a nursery. Take care.

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